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BREAKING: Professor Engages With Students On Social Media, Entire School Loses its Shit


BREAKING: 16 short hours ago, one professor managed to make the entirety of LUC lose its shit.

LUC's own Confession Bear, a strong institution within our community, posted at about 17:00 Thursday. Having to do with "fucking an IGD boy but not being able to save him from getting fucked by IGD," this post has gained incredible traction, now with the added input of Zrandon Bicha*, mentioned in the confession.

To the confession, he commented, "Professional achievement, unlocked!I've worked my whole career for this moment. I have so many I could thank for helping me get here, but I really want to thank my students who's persistent feedback helped me fine tune my teaching into the anti aphrodisiac and prophylactic it is today." LUC News is elated to see the return of Bicha's participation in online engagement with students, remind us that professors actually exist outside of our classrooms and sexual fantasies.

Bicha, a cornerstone of GED and LUC as a whole, managed to surprise the entire school, alumni included, with a return from long-term social media hibernation. This is a critical juncture in the development on social media capital for our community. Will there be more online engagement from other professors? Does this mean the Bicha/Detland* online feuds are returning? Does this mean we all have a will to live again? Is this not the perfect example of the ways informal institutions like CB play into or hinder formal institutions’ changes?

Our investigative reporters have yet to reach any conclusions, but until then, we're just proud that an IGD boy managed to get laid, hopefully taking North to heart by maximizing his assets in order to ensure that both parties have power.

*Names have been changed in order to preserve anonymity.

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