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Class of 2021 Baffled To Learn Something New In University


Data from plenary-timed memes shows that the Class of 2021 are taken aback to realize that maybe they are learning something new in university, despite these concepts being introduced before the lesson.

In the last two hours, the LUC community has been flooded with examples of how the Class of 2021 is struggling to realize they’ve met a concept they didn’t know before, despite it clearly being placed in the readings. This is just one of many weekly occurrences where pages such as LUC Shitposting are means for them to force the rest of the LUC community to deal with the brunt of this groundbreaking notion: they don’t know everything.

This week, students were baffled that the soils lecture, listed in the syllabus as “Soils,” was actually entirely about soils. How could such a simple notion be so difficult for an auditorium youngsters to understand? Well, an analysis of the post-plenary posts reveals:

  • 76% of the plenary was not paying attention;

  • 84% of this demographic was, in fact, making memes;

  • 13% of this demographic was sleeping;

  • 40% of the plenary did not realize they were even in a lecture;

  • 32% of the plenary did not know the difference between soil and dirt;

  • and 0.5% had trouble understanding the difficult concept of what sand is.

Last week, students left the auditorium appalled at the fact that the “Climate change” lecture had actually consisted of a breakdown of what climate change is. “This is complete bullshit,” one student commented. “How dare they make us learn more about science in a science-based course? That wasn’t included in the syllabus,” they continued, pointing to the syllabus where it clearly stated this.

It is truly incredible that our best and brightest hope to tackle future global challenges cannot keep it together when they spend two hours learning about a concept that was presented to them both in the syllabus and in the assigned readings. Our future lies in the hands of the couple hundred students that have mastered the art of weaponizing memes to soften the blow of realizing that they are perhaps learning something in university they didn’t already know beforehand.

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